1 exploit/linux/local/cve_2021_4034_pwnkit_lpe_pkexec Yes The target is vulnerable. 2 exploit/linux/local/network_manager_vpnc_username_priv_esc Yes The service is running, but could not be validated. 3 exploit/linux/local/pkexec Yes The service is running, but could not be validated. 4 exploit/linux/local/su_login Yes The target appears to be vulnerable.
1 exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_dotnet_profiler Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 2 exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_eventvwr Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 3 exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_fodhelper Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 4 exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_sdclt Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 5 exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_sluihijack Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 6 exploit/windows/local/cve_2020_0787_bits_arbitrary_file_move Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. Vulnerable Windows 10 v1909 build detected! 7 exploit/windows/local/cve_2020_0796_smbghost Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 8 exploit/windows/local/cve_2020_1048_printerdemon Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 9 exploit/windows/local/cve_2020_1313_system_orchestrator Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 10 exploit/windows/local/cve_2020_1337_printerdemon Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 11 exploit/windows/local/cve_2020_17136 Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. A vulnerable Windows 10 v1909 build was detected! 12 exploit/windows/local/cve_2021_40449 Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. Vulnerable Windows 10 v1909 build detected! 13 exploit/windows/local/cve_2022_21882_win32k Yes The target appears to be vulnerable. 14 exploit/windows/local/cve_2022_21999_spoolfool_privesc Yes The target appears to be vulnerable.